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Let's have a conversation, I believe in your ability to heal.....


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Intuitive Energy Coaching
These intuitive energetic coaching sessions are designed to support you in identifying how and where you are wielding your energy and fine tuning it to support you in making peace with presence and finding more ease in navigating your life and spiritual path. With 25 years of personal and professional experience in the field of energy medicine, I will offer a variety of practical tools for energy management and embodiment that will deepen your understanding of Self and the unique path you came here to live. 


One Hour: $111 (Sliding scale and payment plans available)


Divine Feminine Life Path Reading:

Awakening women to new awareness. Each journey unfolding uniquely, a story within a story. Awakening to the personal divine feminine presence within – Revealing Her – Learning Her language and embracing Her.


30 minutes - $44

Awakening Woman Intuitive Counseling Sessions

Working together we will help you reveal your Soul’s story and formulate an action plan of positive steps to help you to remove the limiting beliefs and thought processes that are holding you back from self love and embracing your true Goddess Self. These sessions will be unique to the individual and will include an intuitive combination of energy medicine, sound, guided meditation, oracle cards and nurturing healing love based on your Soul’s personal needs.


One Hour: $111


 Lotus & Rose
A shared healing space with
Nicole Donovan of Rose Ray Healing Arts

located in the Salt Pond Building
at 141 Route 6A in Sandwich.  


*All sessions are available in person in Sandwich or remotely via Zoom. For distance healing sessions, a full report will be emailed to you after your session with all that was received.

* I believe healing is so important in navigating these challenging times. Sliding scale available if needed, please message me if you need support. We'll make it work.

Energy Healing Sessions:

Private Energetic Womb Clearing Sessions

These sessions have taken on a life of their own. What started as regular Reiki Healing Sessions has morphed into a multi dimensional transformative healing experience co-created between the client, myself and the Divine Mother. New levels of healing & energetic techniques are being gifted to me in each session. Each session is unique to the individual. 

If you would like to work privately with me to connect with your womb space, clear the energy there that is not yours and begin to heal on a deeper level contact me today!

2 hours - $150

Womb Healing may help:

  • Infertility
  • Creative blocks
  • Past trauma (from birth, miscarriage, sexual assault)
  • Low sexual desire
  • Disconnection from Intuition
  • Toxic behavioral patterns/ancestral wounding
  • Healing relationship with the feminine
  • Feelings of unworthiness
  • ....and so much more....

CLICK HERE to read my blog that goes into detail about how this transformational healing practice was revealed to me and how it has healed and transformed my life on every level.

What people are saying about Energetic Womb Clearing Sessions:

"I already knew Sheree was a loving, compassionate, gentle healer whose intuitive abilities resulted in an amazing healing. Her womb healing amped that to another whole level. It was a powerful, life altering healing that left me in total awe and peace. As she guided me through the healing a slew of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations rushed through my body. The insights I had and the clearing of energy left me feeling lighter and wiser. It was a total rebirth!"

~ Olga G.

I have been fortunate enough to experience the amazing healing hands of Sheree. Her Reiki has always calmed me and I always feel reconnected with myself afterwards. Recently, however I had had an unbelievable experience. Over the past year I had been dealing with pretty intense pain during ovulation. I was told that it could be scar tissue from my c-sections, it could be my age, any number of things.

So I met with Sheree for a reiki session as I had many times in the past. She described the womb wisdom and as she moved over the area where I had been having the pain and it felt like bubbles popping. Let me say this has been my second month in a row with no pain at all and I am so thankful!!

~ Deb M.

"I decided to try a healing with Sheree as I am trying to extend my family with my husband.

All I can say is WOW. The healing that Sheree did on me was AMAZING! It was the first one that I ever had a healing and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but I entered it will an open mind. It was so REFRESHING! She made me so comfortable that I just opened up to receive what I needed. As it was occurring I was floating above myself but I didn’t see anything that was going on. I was in a new world where there were flowers blooming but they were changing colors from green to yellow to red to orange. It looked like I was watching an old fashion movie on a projector screen. I could see how happy I was going to be after the session. I saw a baby to my left and two babies to my right. I got kissed by a woman but I wasn’t sure who. I got my healing done in May of 2016.

The healing changed my life for the better. After the healing I felt lighter and relieved.

About a week later I could feel my body changing. My confidence change for the better, I felt more womanly and lighter. I am a better person after that healing and I would recommend it to EVERYONE!!!"

~ Mistie M.

Goddess Blessing: Divine Mothering Sessions

An energy medicine healing session channeling the energy of the Divine Mother to facilitate deep heart centered healing, relaxation and messages for your divine unfolding. Allow yourself to be cradled in Her embrace, Her lap and Her womb as you let go and allow healing of core feminine wounds and insecurities.

90 Minutes - $111

What people are saying about Divine Mothering Sessions: 

"I hardly know how to sum up my Divine Mothering session with Sheree. I can start by saying it was just what I needed without knowing I needed it. :). I am so grateful to Sheree for supporting me on my path. Sheree has such a gentle, honest, loving, nurturing way about her that has always spoken to me and encouraged me to embrace myself and my path. But through this session she was able to offer guidance in a new way. Her channeled wisdom from the Divine moved me to tears during our session and I felt an incredible release of something that no longer served me. Our time was beautiful and inspiring and left me feeling cared for and loved by Her (Goddess) and by Sheree, whose intention truly lies in the healing of and waking up of others. Sheree uses her gifts to work with the Divine Feminine and Goddess energy, all the while embodying her own Goddess and encouraging us all to do the same."

~ S. Kelly 

Traditional Usui Reiki Healing Session

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Sessions are done with you fully clothed on a massage table or a chair if preferred.

30 minutes - $60

One Hour - $100

Harmonizing the Divine Within: Energy Alignment Sessions
with Sheree and Taylor

The Evolution of Balancing the

Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine Energy Alignment Sessions:

As Taylor and I’s relationship deepens and evolves so does our offerings. We have been discussing our offerings and feeling into the word BALANCE. We are both feeling that our relationship to this word has changed since we began and that now, for us, the word balance feels to sturdy and hard and almost has a hidden promise of being “complete”. As we began to understand the alignment of our own inner masculine and feminine, we both feel that it is more fluid. We are always moving toward balance but staying fluid to respond appropriately to whatever energy is needed in each moment of our experience. That feeling led us to feel into HARMONY ~ this word feels better to us moving forward. Harmony has a convergence of the energies that work in tandem. A partnership, even though they may be slightly different pitches but working together as a whole. When two voices harmonize, one voice may be a bit louder than the other for the harmony to be pleasing to the ear. And essentially what our sessions offer is creating a harmonious, supportive, relationship between your inner divine masculine and feminine energies so you can utilize this inner guidance system to the fullness of its potential.

Harmonize: To be combined or go together in a pleasing or effective way

Harmonious: Forming a pleasing or consistent whole

Synonyms for Harmony: Unity, peace, friendship

Taylor and I look forward to continuing to offer these powerful sessions that will now be known as….

“Harmonizing the Divine Within: Energy Alignment Sessions”

Sheree and Taylor combine their energies for a unique healing session bringing forth the archetypal energies of the divine masculine and feminine expressions to align these energies within your own body’s matrix, deconstructing and deprogramming old energy patterns, gently shifting you back to a fluid state of consciousness. Returning to harmony, your fullest potential is found in accessing the fluid wisdom, creativity and nurturing love of the feminine and the fearless, focused, courageous energy of the masculine. The alignment created by this union supports the frequency for healing, creation and manifestation.


Sheree and Taylor are available for Private Healing Sessions by appointment only. 
These sessions are 30 minutes for $80 or one hour for $150. 

Available in Sandwich or Plymouth.

To reserve a time please contact Sheree at

or call 508-930-1887

Learn more about Taylor at

Readings and Counseling

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