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I don’t know about you but I am becoming increasingly more uncomfortable with the prickly climate of our world these days. I trust that this is a process we need as a culture to bring the imbalances to light so we can transmute and transform the low vibration of humanity. I know that this is the falling of the patriarchy and the beginning of a balanced masculine and feminine energy model. If this is to happen, we need to address and transmute the lower masculine and lower feminine energies within our own selves so we can add to the shift of the collective in a positive way.

I am finding silence and inner contemplation a daily and sometimes hourly requirement. I have to withdraw from social media and limit my time around people who are desperately trying to hold on to that familiar low vibration and spend their time trying to convince me to do the same. On social media, people seem to have made it their personal goal & full time job to police other people’s behavior and beliefs instead of focusing on themselves and how they can heal and live as a better example. So, that is what I am choosing to do. I am going within to recognize all of the places that I am triggered by the energy of this climate and heal those parts of myself so I can raise my vibration and reside in a space of peace. Are there days when I get sucked in and just want to rant about all of the negativity, ugliness, sexual misconduct, lies, fears, hatred , racism and separation that I see? Yes.…but if I do that I am only adding to the same energy that upsets me which is only keeping it in motion and feeding the problem and keeping me in the lower vibration of fear and anger.

We have all been conditioned since the day we came out of our mother’s womb by our family, our culture, our society, the media, church, etc…

Do you even know how you really feel about anything?

Or do you blindly follow the masses because it is easier than self exploration?

Do you even know what YOUR truth is?

As we begin the Winter months of reflection- like Kali, Demeter, Persephone, Isis and Inanna it is time to journey to the Underworld to heal and allow your beautiful re-birth. It is time to unplug and go within to shed that cultural conditioning, tune in to YOUR truth, bring yourself back into balance and step into the unique rhythm of the life you were meant to live. Disrobing yourself of all in-authenticity and diving into your genuine, unique expression and sharing it with the world. You are the one you have been waiting for…..

This is an inside job ~ Will you join me in doing your part?

How often do you stop and listen to the inner chatter of your mind?

Really slow down, get quiet and pay attention to the language going on in the background of your day to day thoughts?

When I chose to finally do this several years ago, I was mortified at the constant loop of judgement and anger that I found there! These background thoughts hold the key to profound healing and transformation for you. These are the things you need to bring out into the light and explore them so you can transform them into healing, forgiveness, and self love. Your thoughts and words are so powerful, they are laying the bricks of the path of your life. If you focus on feeling loved, supported, open, trusting, vulnerable and strong-that is what your road will look like. If you focus on lack, fear, unworthiness, perfection, pain, anger, betrayal- that is what your road will look like. See? Your thoughts and words are truly creating your reality and your perception of everything around you. You draw to you the experiences that match the vibration of your thoughts, so if your thoughts tend to focus on the negative than you will see and experience more of that, if you shift your thoughts to focus on the positive then you will see and experience more of that.

I am walking, breathing proof of this truth! When I consciously worked on shifting my perception to see more of the light, love, positivity, kindness and support around me and started believing I was worthy of that kind of energy around me my life changed dramatically. The deeper I allowed this process and allowed true vulnerability, gave up striving for perfection, took off my good girl mask- everything started to become clear to me. I started noticing where I was the reason for struggle in my life. I received clarity of where my conditioned beliefs were crippling me from moving forward and stepping out of the hamster wheel of my thoughts and actions. I was terrified of change but I despised where I was and I felt completely helpless to move or change. I felt imprisoned by my own behaviour. breath at a time I stayed present with my thoughts and worked at shifting them, I stopped the self deprecating "humor" ("let me point out my flaws first so you know I am aware of them"), I affirmed what I wanted and not what I feared, I stopped tuning into other peoples negativity and drama. I stopped perpetuating beliefs that were spoon fed to me all of my life and I slowly began to affirm that I am a being of love who is worthy and deserving of whatever beautiful thing I put my energy into. I started to trust & allow the unique flow and rhythm of MY life and let it reveal itself to me...and I was met with more peace, grace, trust, abundance and beauty than I knew was available to me.

One thing that helped me more than anything in shifting out of old thoughts and behaviours was unplugging from the media, the news and other people who wanted to keep me in that loop- because so many people love to share and commiserate about bad news, drama & trauma. Getting sucked into Facebook was another trap, because I found that sometimes Facebook became a forum for everyone's misguided anger- people policing other peoples opinions, bullying people into hearing their opinions, bashing what they hate (which is actually putting energy into exactly what you are protesting about) goes on and on, a negative energy loop feeding itself. I found that in just reading these things I was engaging in that same energy and low vibration and began to feel depleted. I encourage you to take a scroll through your own Facebook page with fresh eyes and pay attention to what you are sharing and engaging in to see if you are putting energy into the things you want to create in your life or things that you don't want.

So, I take power where I can- I filter whose posts I see, I scroll by and do not respond to things of a lower vibration and try and share what I love and let my posts be uplifting and positive. I see people posting sarcastic memes bashing something they're against in the name of "humor" all the time, but you know what? When you truly understand the power of your thoughts, words and energy, there is nothing funny about it. Are there times when I want to go on a rant because of something that upsets me, of course- but I stop, breathe and choose not to engage my precious energy into what I don't want.

So, this month "tune out" and "tune in" to yourself.

Each month I choose a different Goddess to work with and bring through at my monthly "Goddess Blessing" events....or I could say She chooses me. At the beginning of the year I decided to choose a Goddess Card monthly from Jo Jayson's deck The Sacred Feminine Guidance Cards and her incredible book Self Love Through the Sacred Feminine. I thought this was perfect because there are 13 cards in the deck and it would take us through an entire year of journeying together and embracing the Goddess wisdom that is coming through so powerfully right now asking us to love and accept our Goddess selves. From the first card I pulled in January, Grandmother Spider, they have all been divinely perfect for exactly the energy that was needed that month. Mary Magdalene chose to come through in July and two of my events were scheduled for the same week, synchronistically aligning with Her Feast Day that I was unaware of and one of the woman at that months event had just returned from France for her 60th birthday celebration where she chose to visit all the sacred Magdalene sites. As the year unfolded it became clear that the Goddess was with us and showing up in perfect time with the perfect wisdom and gifts to guide us and support us through the many deep shifts we have experienced this year. We have moved through some intense Moon energy, a powerful eclipse season, the Lionsgate portal and all the while a chaotic shifting human experience unfolding all around us. The common thread through the moon messages each month and the astrological events was a clearing, a surrender, a letting go of ALL that no longer serves you and your unique path and purpose. So, as we entered August, the most powerful month this year with the eclipse energy, the Goddess who stepped forward and chose to guide us through was Kali Ma. Kali is the Goddess of life, death, destruction, transformation, endings and beginnings. She is the embodiment of Mother Nature. I admit I have avoided working with Kali, her power frightened me. But this time, I feel stronger, I welcome my shadow aspects and am excited to shed layer after layer of what has held me back for so long. So, daily I began lighting a devotional candle to Kali and offering Her a cup of water while chanting her chant, "Om Klim Kalika Yei Namaha" , and offering up my prayers, intentions, trust, and gratitude.

What I discovered in Kali was not something to be feared but a loving Mother, a Mother who would take from me what was dangerous to my soul, just as a protective and loving Mother would snatch scissors away from a child to keep them safe. I had completely misunderstood Kali all these years, I was afraid to let go of what I thought I needed to feel safe and whole. Since embracing vulnerability and trusting my path I do not fear what needs to leave my vibration to make room for the beauty already on its way.

I asked Kali in my daily prayers for a sign that she was with me and she continued to place undeniable signs on my path. And then in an organic turn of events on a fun day out with my Mom I find myself finally at Buddhas and Beads a place I have been trying to check out for a very long time. As I come around the corner what do I find....? A statue of Kali right at my feet! I have never seen a statue of Kali, I have seen Buddha, Kwan Yin etc... but never Kali! She found me and now she graces my Goddess garden where I can continue my devotion as I keep allowing the layers to peel away and bring even more clarity to my unique path and purpose.

I ask you this month to have the courage to let go and allow the unique and natural rhythm of your life to reveal itself to you. Explore where you have been following someone else's ideas of what is best for you and tune in to listen to your unique vibration and trust that. I can promise you from the other side of fear, it is worth it and completely necessary as we step into the new energy and awareness that is being offered to us.

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