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Give Everything to Your Awakening in 2018

As you close out 2017 and reflect back upon your year, what emotions arise in you? Was it a challenging year for you? Was it a year of growth and change? Was it the year you finally chose you? Maybe it was a year filled with blessings! What's true is...that no matter what your year held, it was perfect for the evolution of your soul, yes, even the challenging times...actually especially because of those challenging times. It is the storms of our life that help us to grow the most and understand ourselves on a deeper level.

I am closing out the first entire year that I put myself FIRST! I cannot tell you how good that feels and all of the blessings in my life that manifested because I did. All of the fears I had around putting myself first never manifested at all and I was met with a supportive energy of growth, prosperity and creativity. The most amazing people were drawn into my orbit and I finally, after 47 years rotating the Sun, feel like ME! The Me that I knew was underneath all the fear all along, the Me that was hiding behind unworthiness and insecurity, The Me that deserves to show her beautiful face to the world in confident, vulnerable acceptance of Self!

So, I encourage you to sit down and reflect on last year and ask yourself...

What do you wish to bring with you into 2018?

What is important that you leave behind?

What feeling do you desire to embody this year?

How can you add more self care into your life?

I ask you to give your ALL to 2018! Don't continue to blindly believe the false conditioning of your upbringing, our culture and the media. Make a choice to think outside the realms of your conditioning and explore your desires. Take a chance on you and move in the direction of your dreams. Have the courage to allow what needs to leave your life to go and welcome what wants to enter with open arms and an excited heart. Get off of the hamster wheel of your fears and take a chance on getting excited about life, explore every folding corner of your mind and say YES to new adventures. I leave you with a video of one of my favorite Ryan Montbleau songs & one of my favorite lyrics....

I’m toeing the line on the border

Of what’s good and what’s insane

Toeing the line testing every folded corner of my brain

And if I want too much of life

My heart will understand

That I’m making the most

Of this great big grain of sand Watch the video

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