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How important is it to find your unique flow?

You hear me talk a lot about unique flow and vibration. My passion is encouraging my clients to do whatever it takes to discover their unique expression and frequency and live out loud from that space. I wanted to share a story of what it looks like when you live your life from that space of knowing. I experience an extraordinary amount of synchronicity in my life. Sometimes I joke that I feel I am on a guided tour of my life. Ever since I awakened to the wisdom of my womb space I have experienced life from such a different perspective. I have been gifted the knowing that when I show up unapologetically me, that frequency creates an effortless flow of creation, prosperity, connection and abundance in my life. It seems at times that I have a magick touch that brings to me exactly what I need, want and desire.

I have a wonderful old Pontiac G6 that has served me well over the last 9 years. This was the 1st car I bought all on my own, without checking with my husband or my Dad about if this was the right car for me. I was very much in fear but did my best to navigate that fear and hoped I made the right choice. So I stuffed my fear and did what I had to do. In the end I did, we travelled over 230,000 miles together and she took very good care of me. But she was getting tired. Prior to leaving for Ireland this past February I heard an ad on the radio for a car dealer here on Cape Cod. Something about the simplicity and sincerity of this ad made me pay attention. I came home and said to my husband that when it was time for me to get a new car I wanted to buy from this dealer because for some reason my soul trusted the voice coming through the airwaves.

So, that conversation passed and off I went to Ireland with my bestie to visit “our” daughter Maya at Trinity College. A few nights into our trip we had Maya and her roommates over for dinner. I was enjoying getting to know them when her roommate says she is from Cape Cod, and we discover we live about 10 minutes from each other. We talk about some of the mutual things/people we know. She says you are just like my Mom, you probably know her…and goes on to tell me about her Mom, who is the “Kindness Rocks Lady” whom I am sure you know if you are a Cape Codder. Meghan Murphy started the Kindness Rocks Project (you can read more about her inspiration HERE ) and I had created my own rocks to add to her project and love coming across them on my walks. Like me, Meghan is a coach and meditation instructor who is passionate about empowering women to find their grace through her many offerings. My Mom had even just posted pics that day from back home of the Kindness Rocks she had found on her walk that day. So the synchronicities kept coming…..and then the BIG ONE….so then she randomly says she tried to call her Dad that day but forgot it was Presidents Day and couldn’t get a hold of him because he’s a “car guy”. So, my antenna goes up….”Car guy?” I say…She says “Yeah, he owns Falmouth Toyota. And today was a big day there” At this point I am flipping out because this is the exact car dealer whose ad I heard that I trusted! So, I begin to tell her my story of synchronicity and we make a plan that when she returns to the States she will bring me to meet her Dad.

Now why did she even feel the need to tell me that she couldn’t get a hold of her Dad that day? These are the moments I wish to speak of to you ….these are the moments of divine connection that once you begin to recognize them and the frequency they hold they begin to become a road map for the unfolding of your journey here. It’s just like following spiritual breadcrumbs.

Now I find myself a couple of weeks ago with a transmission that starts slipping and I know the time is now, it’s time to pull the trigger on a new car. I call Maggie and she puts me in touch with her Dad at Falmouth Toyota and I start the process. When I hit the lot there are only two used vehicles in my price range and one is off the lot and I won’t be able to see it for a few days, the other is a Toyota Prius which would not have been a car I would have thought to look at. So, I take a look and am starting to become intrigued but didn’t want to just buy the 1st car I like so I say I’d like to look at the other car before I make a decision and agree to come back on Monday. I start asking around and everyone I speak to who owns a Prius, raves about their car and how that’s all they drive, they’ve had 3 of them, they are the best car they’ve ever had…etc…. And on top of that everyone I tell that I am looking at Falmouth Toyota RAVES about them and what an honest, reliable and family dealer they are. They are even closed on Sundays so their employees can spend time with their families. I am feeling completely supported and divinely guided. I go back on Monday and the other car is still not back on the lot. I hemmed and hawed a moment but then feel strongly that it’s not back yet because I am supposed to go with the Prius! So, I did and it was a smooth, easy and effortless decision and purchase. I felt excited and supported throughout the whole process and feel I have gained an amazing new family at Falmouth Toyota and I will add myself to the huge list of people who will tell you that they are truly an honest dealer and a pleasure to work with.

The old me lived in such fear of making a big purchase and spending money, the old me would’ve assumed the dealer was going to screw her over, the old me didn’t think she deserved new and safe car. The old me wouldn’t have trusted that she could afford the payments. She would have sat in fear, held her breath and had an upset stomach through the entire process just wishing for it to be over, stuffing her discomfort.

The new me knows Her worth. She trusts that the Universe is here to support her because that is the frequency and vibration She chooses to live in, one that honors all I need and desire, one that is worthy of abundance and safety. I am finally in a place where I am witnessing the intention and the manifestation of what I positively put my energy into. I live from a space of being open and allowing instead of striving, forcing and pushing. I am in a beautiful dance with life, trusting the ebbs and flows, trusting the grace that got me here and doing all I can to maintain this vibration of creation while honoring the beautiful WomBan I Am.

So, that is what I speak of when I say let me help you find your unique flow, your unique vibration that just lets you drop into it and begin creating from a place of trust. It’s all about allowing the deprogramming of all the outdated beliefs and thought processes that keep you stuck in somebody else’s idea of what your flow should look like. It’s about letting go of what is no longer true for you and letting your life reveal its magick to you. Your Womb is a vessel for manifestation, it is the one place that is for you and you alone, to drop in and create from the primordial space of your deepest feminine wisdom.

If you are ready to embrace your unique expression and begin creating from this place of truth, please know I would be honored to be your guide. Reach out and ask me how clearing your Womb and aligning to your truth will set you free on every level. It has been the most profound awakening of my life and I look forward to sharing this wisdom with you.

Goddess Blessings~!

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